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Young Economist Prize

The France Israel Foundation organizes two prizes for young economists, awarded every year, to honor a French and an Israeli young economist whose work has gained international distinction.

Capture d’écran 2020-11-26 à 19.25.46.
Capture d’écran 2020-11-26 à 19.25.52.
Capture d’écran 2020-11-26 à 19.25.58.



To be under 40 years old for French candidates and under 45 for Israeli candidates by December 31st 2024. This five year difference is to compensate for military service.


The prizes will be awarded every two years.





The awards will recognize excellence of research in economics.



Award content


The FIF Awards will consist of 30000 euros and a diploma, one for a French economist and one for an Israeli economist. The jury may also decide on a shared prize of one half each for two French or two Israeli economists.



Entry condition


Candidates shall be natural persons. A French economist will be a French citizen independently of where he/she works and an Israeli economist will be an Israeli citizen independently of where he/she works.





Nominations shall in all cases be indirect by qualified persons.


Nominations will be accepted from the following heads of institutions devoted to  economics, based on their own internal procedures


  • University departments or schools

  • Research institutes and centers

  • National or regional academies

  • Winners of the Nobel Prize in economics



Entry submission and documentation


All nominations will be submitted to FFI via

The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2024.


The nomination and the accompanying documents will be submitted in English only.


The nominating institution or person must provide the following information and documents :

  • letter of nomination signed by the nominating officer/body

  • candidate’s name and institutional affiliation

  • a one page statement explaining why the candidate desserves the prize

  • a list of three of the candidate’s most important publications

  • the candidate’s CV


The FIF will send an email to the nominating body or person confirming the acceptance of the entry with a reference number to be used in every correspondance.

If the documentation is incomplete the  Fondation will notify the nominator to this effect, granting a one time 30 days extension.


The FIF undertakes to preserve the confidentiality of all documents received and will not provide itemized information on the entrants or on the deliberation of the award jury. The FIF will publish only the names of the persons or institutions that have nominated winning candidates.



Candidate evaluation and selection process :


The prize jury is composed of 6 eminent international experts appointed by the FIF.

The FIF will appoint a chair of the jury in the form that it sees fit. The jury shall reach its decision by simple majority. The jury’s decisions will not be open to appeal.


The composition of the jury’s members and the content of the award certificate, including the jury’s statement of the justification for the awards, will be publicly displayed.



Award decision and presentation ceremony


The FIF award will be decided by June 30, 2024.


The award will be presented at a formal ceremony to be held in France or in Israel upon FIF’s decision in 2024.

All winners must agree to attend this presentation ceremony. Every winner will commit to give a lecture in France or in Israel upon FIF’s decision.





The submissionof entries under this call signifies the acceptance of its conditions and award decisions and renunciation of any claim in their respect on the part of both nominators and nominees.

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