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Symposium Data Mining

Workshop Data Mining at Bar Ilan University on January 15 at the initiative of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Bar Ilan University and the France Israël Fondation.

Data Mining is a way to extract knowledge from huge databases. 

In all domains of human activity, we are more and more faced with the problem of understanding and extracting knowledge from standard, big and complex data, often multi-sources (withmixture of numerical, textual, image, social networks data).


Data Science, considered as a science by itself, is in general terms, the extraction of knowledge from data.


Symbolic Data Analysis (SDA) gives a new way of thinking in Data Science by extending the standard input to a set of classes of individual entities. Symbolic Data Analysis (SDA) is an emerging area of Data Science based on aggregating individual level data into group-based summarized by symbols, and then developing Data Science methods to analyze them. It is ideal for increasing the explanatory power of machine learning in the case of standard, large and complex datasets, and has immense potential to become a standard methodology in the near future.


Several books and numerous papers has already been published: Bock and Diday (Springer, 2000), Billard and Diday (JASA (2003), Wiley books (2006, 2019)), Diday and Noirhomme-Fraiture (Wiley 2008), Afonso, Diday, Toque (Technip, 2018), etc.


Over the world, teams are developing this domain in America (USA, Brazil, Costa Rica), in Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan), in Europe (France, Italy, Span, Portugal, Poland, Slovenia), in Australia (University of New South Wales, Sydney). They are developing theory and practice in a great variety of domains. SDA has been recently applied in health, genetics, cybersecurity, socio-demography, epidemiology, economy, finance, trade, structural health monitoring (bridges, railways, nuclear power plot, concrete structural material, etc.), text mining, agriculture, education. 


This workshop aims to introduce the field (at the crossroad of statistics, mathematics and computer science) to academic researchers and industrials in all domains where data are obtained and need to be analyzed for understanding them and so improving decisions. Several open theoretical SDA questions and open data applications will be presented.


Its aim is also to create interest on this topic in Israel, leading to national France-Israel and international cooperation.


Speakers :

Edwin Diday(Université Paris-Dauphine France) 

Lynne Billard(Université de Georgie, USA)

Richard Emilion(Université d'Orleans, France) 

Oldemar Rodriguez(Université San José , Costa Rica)

Filipe Afonso Pars Dauphine  France Myriam Touati Ingénieur CEREMADE Paris-Dauphine, actuellement à Jerusalem


Free of charge but the participants have to register:


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

8:00 – 8:30 Registration

8:30 – 9:00 Opening Greetings:

Dr. David Harari, co-Chairman of the High Council Israel-France for Science & Technology

Prof. Eli Even, Head of Research Authority, Bar Ilan University

Prof. Alexander Bligh, Chief Scientist, Ministry of Science and Technology



9:00 – 9:45   E. Diday (Paris-Dauphine University, France)

Overview on the theory and practice of SDA (illustrated by examples in: socio demography, insurance companies, nuclear power plant, epidemiology).

9:45 – 10:30 L. Billard (UGA University, USA)

Statistical foundation and practice of SDA (illustrated by examples in: medicine, biology and economy)

10h30 – 11h Coffee break

11:00 – 11:45 R. Emilion (Orléans University, France),

Probabilistic foundation of SDA. Likelihood on symbols illustrated by applications in renew energy.

11:45 – 12:30 O. Rodriguez (Costa-Rica University), F. Afonso (Paris-Dauphine University, France)

Basic tools in SDA: symbolic extension of dissimilarities, clustering, factorial analysis, shrinkage regression, decision trees, and reduction methods for symbolic variables

12h30 – 13h15 Lunch



13:15 – 14:00 F. Afonso (Paris-Dauphine University, France), O. Rodriguez (Costa-Rica University),

SDA tools and Industrial applications in cybersecurity, health, structural health monitoring, finance and marketing.

14:00 – 14:45 Rodriguez (Costa-Rica University)

The RSDA software and Industrial applications in bank security …

14:45 – 15:30   F. Afonso, M. Touati (Paris-Dauphine University, France)

The SYR software through an application in official statistics

The SODAS software and Symbolic Data Bases in Education, Health, Countries Development, Marketing, Road Safety, Sports, Hobbies…


15:30– 16:00   ROUND TABLE open direction of research and cooperation.

can be studied.diseaseFranceExample we have huge databases due to the social security management, from which the effect of the environmental conditions on: in

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