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Keren Hayessod Massa

Since its creation, millions of Jews have been able to join Israel  and integrate it ...


900 localities and the main infrastructures were created: El Al, the Electricity Company ...


Keren Hayesod is present in 47 countries on 5 continents.


Today Keren Hayesod in France is at the heart of Israeli society for:

-          Reduce the social divide

-          Connecting the youth of France to Israel

-          Respond to the urgencies of the moment: war, terrorism, etc.



A project supported by the FRANCE ISRAEL FOUNDATION


Keren Hayesod has formed a partnership with the France Israel Foundation to support one of its flagship programs, Massa, which allows young people aged between 18 and 30 to spend 5 to 10 months in Israel, in an academic setting or professional internships. Massa offers them a unique experience that enriches them humanly and brings them another vision of Israel



The International Unit of MDA France
MDA missions
The Maguen David Adom in Israel is
the national organization of pre-hospital relief. Every year, 17,000 rescuers respond to 2,000,000 emergency calls. Heart attacks, attacks, road accidents ... our average response time is 4.6 minutes, every 38 seconds an ambulance leaves its base for rescue a wounded patient or patient.


The MDA has among its prerogatives, the management of the National Blood Bank in Israel. Every year, nearly 400,000 blood units are collected, processed and distributed by our organization to all hospitals in the country.


Finally, as a Red Cross Society, the Maguen David Adom intervenes on humanitarian missions in Israel for the benefit of the poorest (150,000 food parcels collected and distributed every eve of the holiday) but also all over the world in order to help and medical aid in case of major disaster (Haiti, Nepal, Benin, Kenya ...)
MDA missions

We propose you to support the Maguen David Adom by contributing to reinforce the program International Unity whose vocation is the training of French doctors in emergency medical assistance in Israel.

They are now 160 doctors across France, from Paris, Marseille, Nice, Montpellier and other cities.
They decided to join this program and become volunteers in the MDA intervention teams.

In concrete terms, these women and men help save lives in Israel; they bring to the Maguen David Adom their skills by joining a humanitarian mission that is based on the values that unite us: Generosity, Caring and Brotherhood.


In the event of a major humanitarian disaster, the International Unit is called upon to join the MDA teams in Israel and thus strengthen the rescue units. To do this, French doctors undergo an intensive training of at least one week per year in Israel, attend training upgrades in France and regularly carry out guards in MDA ambulances when they stay in Israel.


The doctors of the International Unit also distinguished themselves through very beautiful actions in France, by providing in particular in the schools, the community centers, near associations and private individuals, first aid trainings. So, no less than 4,000 people are initiated each year to the actions that save. Adults, adolescents and children we are all concerned by the acquisition of this precious knowledge.

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Hadassah France is an association which was founded in 1985 to support the Hadassah University Hospital and to develop scientific research cooperation projects between France and Israel. 

Within this framework, Hadassah France is entitled to receive bequests and donations which are tax-deductible (IR, IS, and IFI).

Nowadays, the essential focus of the mission of Hadassah France is the support for medical research in France and Israel.

In 2019, thanks to the generous supports of its donors and partners - including the France Israel Foundation - Hadassah France will back up two essential medical fields :
Oncology, particularly pulmonary-oncology, and Reconstructive Surgery.

Furthermore, Hadassah France and its stakeholders support to those fields will be global :
- Acquisition of equipment for Hadassah University Hospital
- Development of collaborative research projects between France and Israel

- Organisation of thematic conferences
- Knowledge sharing between medical professionals 


The Hadassah University Hospital is world-famous for its century of history, for the Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005, and numerous international discoveries (including fields such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, multiple sclerosis and stem cell research).

Furthermore, the Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem, as a world-renowned center of excellence, is at the forefront of the development of international partnerships. Currently, Hadassah France is involved in numerous partnerships with major French medical institutions, within a framework of novel French-Israeli cooperation projects, including: 

-       The Necker Hospital, in the field of haematology and pediatrics

-       The Saint-Louis Hospital, in the field of digestive surgery

-       The Georges-Pompidou European Hospital, in the field of cardiology, notably the bicuspid aortic valve

-       The Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, in the field of oncology

-       Toulouse University Hospital, with the internship over several months of a French medical student at the Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem

-       The Vision Institute of Paris, headed by Professor José Sahel, in the field of retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

In the past, multiple partnerships have been created with several French institutions such as the Gustave-Roussy Cancer Campus, the Necker-Enfants Malades children’s hospital in Paris, the Nice University Hospital, the Blood Vessels Institute in Paris, and the Paris public hospital system, the AP-HP.


Taglit-Birthright Israel was created in 2000 to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people. Its mission is to combat growing assimilation by strengthening the ties of young Jewish adults to their heritage, their identity, the Jewish people and the state of Israel.


Taglit is the largest educational and teaching project in the Jewish world. Since its creation, 750,000 young people between the ages of 18 and 26 from 68 countries participated in this program. Among them, more than 100,000 were Israeli soldiers their age.

In France, while the community is experiencing difficult times with a disturbing rise of antiSemitism, TAGLIT is more essential than ever.


Thanks to this exciting stay in Israel, we give our children the arguments and knowledge necessary to face and counter disinformation and hatred.


We are preparing the Jewish community of tomorrow by creating the desire in our young people to invest in Jewish life and the values ​​that compose it.


We create an unwavering bond with Israel, which can be expressed both the private and the professional sphere

Our children will have a role to play in French society as a citizen, as a Jew and as a member of a community.


Support us so that we can make them the essential link between French Jews, French society and Israel.


Taglit France

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Tel             : 01 44 93 41 43    


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les amis de BGU


Capture d’écran 2020-02-06 à 22.15.26.

Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) is the fastest growing research university in Israel. With 20,000 students, 4,000 staff and faculty and three campuses in Beer-Sheva, Sde Boker and Eilat, BGU is a force for change that embodies the vision of David Ben-Gurion, the first legendary Prime Minister of Israel. , who envisioned the future of Israel emerging from the Negev. The University is at the heart of Beersheva’s transformation into the nation’s cyber capital, with leading multinational companies leveraging BGU’s expertise to generate innovative R&D.


At the time of its fiftieth anniversary, the mission of the BGU is to continue to effect change, locally, regionally and internationally. With faculties in engineering sciences; Health Sciences ; natural Sciences ; Humanities and Social Sciences ; business and management; and studies of the desert, BGU is a university with a conscience that acts both at the frontiers of science and within the community. Over a third of our students participate in one of the most developed community action programs in the world. The university is a recognized national and world leader in many fields. It actively encourages multidisciplinary collaborations with government and industry and nurtures entrepreneurship and innovation in all its forms.

Comment faire que les eaux usées deviennent une véritable ressource ?

Cette question nombre de scientifiques à travers le monde se la posent .Plusieurs équipes de  Chercheurs de Ben Gourion   travaillent sur le sujet.


 On se souvient que , au plus fort de l'épidémie de Covid 19, les Chercheurs de la Task Force Coronavirus créée au sein de l’Université ont mis au point une méthode pour détecter dans les eaux usées une éventuelle présence du virus au travers de traces d'ARN; cela a servi de système d'alarme précoce pour empêcher de futures reprises de l'épidémie. Cette méthode a été reprise dans plusieurs pays.


Aujourd'hui c'est de la protection de l'environnement qu'il s'agit. Les eaux usées des mines de phosphate sont stockées dans des bassins de rétention et doivent s'évaporer; mais si la paroi de ces bassins s'effondre pour des raisons de climat, de terrain ou autre, il s'ensuit un déversement de ces eaux acides toxiques d'où un désastre écologique comme cela s'est produit en 2017 au sud ouest de la Mer Morte avec notamment pour conséquence la mort de nombreux animaux.


Des Chercheurs de l'Institut de Recherche de l'Eau (Institut Recherches sur le Désert), sous la codirection des Dr. Oded NIR et Roy BERNSTEIN, ont développé, au travers de procédés chimiques successifs en 3 étapes, une méthode de recyclage de ces boues toxiques pour l'environnement. Ce procédé transforme des eaux usées toxiques pour l'environnement en une eau propre avec de surcroît récupération d'acide phosphorique, principal ingrédient des engrais industriels. Les Chercheurs  de Ben Gourion jugent ce process très prometteur pour le développement durable et recommandent aux industriels d'examiner son potentiel et d’étudier sa faisabilité dans leurs usines. Les résultats de leurs recherches ont fait l'objet d'une publication récente dans l' ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, le prestigieux journal scientifique de l'American Chemical Society.



Located in the middle of the desert, Ben Gurion University of the Negev works tirelessly to transform the desert into a source of life for the benefit of all humanity, among other things, with the help of French collaborations. Researchers at its Institute of French Friends for Agriculture and Biotechnology in arid lands carry out basic and applied research to provide sustainable agricultural solutions in arid areas where conventional or traditional farming methods are difficult, if not impossible, to enforce. Science is trying to meet the needs of people living in these drought-affected areas by seeking to alleviate food security problems and working to promote engines of economic growth. Drought, high water salinity, extreme temperatures and high light intensities inherently pose great challenges to people, flora and fauna.


Also in the area of ​​agriculture and space, the Franco-Israeli satellite for research on the environment VENµS (Vegetation and Environment monitoring on a New Micro-Satellite) whose main Israeli researcher is a member of the faculty of BGU has was launched in 2017 in collaboration with CNES. The satellite collects data on agricultural fields to study the state of the land and other natural resources such as foliage, reforestation and water quality.

Mandel MBA

Pour comprendre la raison d’être du séminaire MBA qui se tiendra à Paris fin novembre, voici une présentation du Mandel MBA en social leadership.

Le Mandel MBA en leadership social constitue le programme phare de la Faculté de management et administration des entreprises de l'Université Ben-Gourion.

Créé en 2011, il vise à former les étudiants au management des organisations à but non lucratif (associations, fondations, entreprises sociales etc.). Il repose sur la conviction que les mêmes outils de management sont pertinents pour le tiers secteur comme pour les entreprises.

C’est un programme de 16 mois, accueillant 20 à 25 étudiants qui allient des réussites académiques exceptionnelles (ses critères de sélection figurent parmi les plus élevés d’Israël) à des réalisations déjà notables en matière d'engagement social. L'objectif est de former des professionnels du tiers secteur choisissant cette carrière par choix et non par défaut (plus de 85% des diplômés du programme travaillent ensuite dans le tiers secteur).

Ce programme a été la source d'un progrès systémique pour l'enseignement de la gestion en Israel. Il a été le premier à obtenir l'accréditation EPAS il y a cinq ans et surtout ce programme a été le fer de lance du processus d'accréditation de toute la faculté de gestion et management de l'université Ben-Gourion ayant débouché sur l'obtention de l'accréditation internationale la plus élevée pour une faculté dans le domaine de la gestion (Equis).

Le programme est d'une conception originale : il se divise en deux modules égaux en volume, l'un enseignant les outils de gestion et l'autre les connaissances nécessaires pour le secteur à but non lucratif. Deux bridging courses évitent que les étudiants ne développent une conception dichotomique.

En synergie avec cet enseignement théorique et technique de haut niveau, le programme s'articule autour d'interactions entre les étudiants et des dirigeants des fondations, du monde associatif, d'entreprises sociales etc. aussi bien en Israël qu'à l'international. Il ne s’agit pas de stages qui trop souvent ne permettent pas une vision suffisamment globale des organisations Les étudiants sont, à travers des dizaines d'expériences, mis en prise directe avec des dirigeants et mis en position de développer des projets avec eux.

L’accent est porté sur la capacité de faire un diagnostic organisationnel et de présenter des propositions. Aussi, le curriculum comprend-il plusieurs cours d'étude de cas qui font que ce programme est le seul qui représente les universités israéliennes dans la plus grande compétition d'études de cas du monde chaque année à l'Université Concordia à Montréal.

Le programme se clôt par une expérience originale qui consiste en un séminaire international (USA, ou France, ou Belgique) de 10 jours sur une question centrale pour le secteur à but non lucratif.

Ce séminaire permet aux étudiants de s'ouvrir sur une problématique locale, mais d'importance transnationale, du tiers secteur. Il les met en situation de faire une mission de conseil pour des organisations qui cherchent un développement ou une transformation. Cette année 2022, ce séminaire aura lieu à Paris avec le soutien des Amis Français de l'Université Ben-Gourion.

Le corps professoral de ce programme est international : une partie du corps enseignant est constitué de professeurs étrangers qui viennent spécialement d'universités telles que Duke et New York University aux États-Unis, Henley Business School en Angleterre, Eichstätt en Allemagne, la Sorbonne et Skema en France.

Pour éviter que les étudiants ne se trouvent dans une position trop connue en Israël qui les conduit à travailler à plein temps parallèlement à leurs études, notre programme bénéficie de bourses grâce au soutien de la fondation Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel basée à Cleveland, États-Unis.



Carmit Lesly-Gropper

+972 74 7795032



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Le Technion France, représentation française de l'université du Technion - Israel Institute of Technology a pour mission de promouvoir le Technion en France et en Europe francophone, et de valoriser les réalisations et les projets du Technion dans les domaines de la recherche scientifique et technologique. 


De plus, il favorise les collaborations, synergies et connexions entre les deux écosystèmes d’innovation, français et israélien.


Enfin, il apporte un soutien matériel et financier au Technion pour favoriser son développement, apporter une aide aux étudiants et financer ses projets de recherche.


En 2020, le Technion France a également créé son Board of Students, premier board inter-écoles en faveur de la promotion des liens entre les deux écosystèmes d’innovation : français et israélien, et de l’innovation responsable. Conférences en ligne ou en présentiel ont lieu tout au long de l’année.

En savoir plus

L’Université du Technion, fleuron de l’innovation, joue un rôle essentiel pour l’avancée scientifique, en Israël et dans le monde.


Véritable MIT du Moyen-Orient, berceau de l’Innovation, le Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, s’est affirmé comme un acteur essentiel de la Start-up Nation, en faveur de l’Education, l’Excellence, le développement de la science pour le progrès de l’humanité.


Le Technion propose principalement des formations et programmes de recherche dans les domaines de la science, de l’ingénierie, de la médecine, de la gestion industrielle, de l’architecture, de l’urbanisme et de l’intelligence artificielle. 

Des découvertes scientifiques issues des laboratoires du Technion ont constitué de véritables révolutions technologiques et industrielles dans leurs domaines : la clé USB, la pilule-caméra à avaler, la rasagiline utilisée pour le traitement de la maladie de Parkinson, l’algorithme Lempel-Ziv-Welch, permettant la compression de données nécessaire pour l’envoi de PDF ou de GIF, le système d’irrigation au goutte à goutte, le robot-serpent capable de secourir des survivants en cas de catastrophe naturelle… et de nombreuses autres.


Des projets de recherches prometteurs dans les domaines médical (recherche autour de la détection et du traitement du cancer ou de la maladie d’Alzheimer, robotique, imagerie médicale…) ; environnemental (production d’énergies alternatives, production et traitement de l’eau…) ; spatial (nanosatellites, ingénierie biomimétique…) ; des nanotechnologies, des biotechnologies, de la cybersécurité, des mathématiques, du génie électrique, de l’informatique, de l’aéronautique... font aujourd’hui l’objet de toutes les attentions. 


Les crises que nous traversons nous rappellent à quel point la recherche est essentielle. Se mobiliser pour lui donner les moyens d’agir est une priorité.


Soutenir le Technion, c’est avant tout soutenir le progrès scientifique et technologique en permettant le développement de ses projets de recherche et programmes innovants.

Les Rois du Monde

Les Rois du Monde is a non-profit organization.

Based in France, it takes action throughout the world for orphaned and hospitalized children.

Les Rois du Monde provides financial, educational, sport an cultural support.


Thanks to the commitment of our 180 volunteers and the generosity of our donors, we are now operating in 7 countries, including Israel, with our “Children of Israel” project.

Les rois du monde



SCHIBBOLETH - The actual of Freud -, whose multidisciplinary research, teaching, meetings and exchanges, are the finalities, thus works regularly in privileged partnership with institutions such as:

More Information:


For more than 10 years, The international and inter-university Schibboleth - The actuel of Freud - Association, offers to a wide and numerous public to meet great intellectuals, clinicians, academical researchers, authors, notorious specialists, from different backgrounds and from all disciplines, psychoanalysis and psychopathology, law, history, sociology and anthropology, philosophy, analysis of images and speeches, political, economic, social sciences, and human and living, geopolitics, the study of cultures and peoples, ideologies, religions, literature and the arts and plastics, medicine, science and bioethics ... although seminars, Conferences, publications and symposiums, open to all, to think together about our time, our world, and find out how to do it.

Over the years, especially between France and Israël, a probably unique and important cultural and scientific group, by it’s quality, its high level and its rigor, a style, a space and a rhythm of reflection and debate have thus been created.

This undertaking is based on various genealogies of fundamental thought, notably that of Freud, Jewish thought, with which it finds a method, an ethics of truth and responsibility, of thought and action, and a requirement of intellectual elevation, and builds a real clinical contemporary - able to probe, study the state of the world and language, read and analyze the news, discern and apprehend the malaise and denial, characterize the signs as so many symptoms, identify the key human and societal issues and their civilizational issues. It participates in and to a work of culture, for a "progress in the life of the spirit" and a defense against the human destructiveness and its anthropological regressions; its purpose: to name, analyze, decipher the evolutions of individual and collective social and psychic life - and to transmit and build an ethic for now and tomorrow; to meet people and knowledge, read, write, translate, organize, present, make known, disseminate, compose, edit, question, educate.

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A “Second Home” – Beit Halochem Centers


Beit Halochem is a unique rehabilitation, sports and recreation center serving disabled veterans and their families. It provides a place where the disabled undergo the various treatments, which they need for as long as they live. Emphasis is placed on sport as a rehabilitative tool along with a wide array of social and cultural programs.

Beit Halochem applies the philosophy that the disabled should be cared for in an environment that is both congenial to them and to those around them. In keeping with that philosophy, it offers a variety of activities to occupy the family grown-ups and children alike.

An important feature at Beit Halochem is the meeting of “generations”, bringing together old-timers with newcomers 

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1/3 of all food produced in Israel is wasted; at the same time, 1.7 million Israelis live below the poverty line, including children, immigrants, the invalid-elderly and more. This paradox led in 2003, to the creation of Leket Israel - The National Food Bank and largest food rescue network.


Leket Israel sources and rescues an estimated 18,200 tons of fresh produce and prepared meals annually to alleviate food insecurity throughout Israel. Leket feeds 175,000+ Israelis in need each week through its partnership with 200 nonprofit organizations. The NPOs include soup kitchens, after school programs for children at risk, day care centers for the elderly and more. A diverse population of Israel’s poor of all backgrounds receive the fresh food. 

Leket Israel, Israel's National Food Bank and food rescue organization


Pro-Environment: Leket Israel makes efficient use of limited food resources, while reducing waste slated for landfills and resulting methane emissions. The organization is “Greenhouse Energy Efficient Certified” and is carbon footprint smart.


Sustainability and Fair Access: By reclaiming and redistributing food that would have otherwise gone to waste, Leket Israel is providing a sustainable solution to the inevitable excess and is increasing food access to those who need it most.


Collaborative: 1,000+ food producers (farmers, hotels, the Israeli army and more) supply excess produce and meals to Leket Israel; the food then goes to nonprofits and schools in over 70 cities in Israel.


Volunteerism: Thousands of people from Israel and overseas volunteer annually; of these 60% are children and young adults. Israeli companies also provide significant support, with hundreds of corporate groups volunteering annually.

Diversity: Leket Israel employs a diverse mix of Jews, Muslim Arabs, Bedouin, and immigrants from Russia and Ethiopia, ensuring equal access to official wage slips, employee development, and extensive social benefits.


Food Safe and Professional: As an umbrella organization, Leket Israel supports nonprofits through nutrition education, capacity building, and food safety projects to enhance their professional standards.


Global Stewardship: Leket Israel was inducted as the official Israeli representative of the Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) in 2011, an organization that incorporates food banks from throughout the world to share information and provide training and guidance. Leket Israel often acts as an advisor to food banks from the developing world and is a regular presenter at GFN conferences.

un coeur pour la paix



Since 2005, A Heart for Peace has had Palestinian children suffering from serious, often fatal heart defects operated free of charge by teams of Israeli and Palestinian doctors working hand in hand at the Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem and training Palestinian caregivers.

In 2019, A Heart for Peace will focus on training Palestinian caregivers who are determined to work in the West Bank to develop expertise in pediatric cardiology and genetic counseling.


In this region of the world, the Middle East, the number of congenital heart diseases is still very high due to the numerous consanguineous marriages, of the order of 45%.

maison de benji

The concept - 


The Benji House, was build in 2012 in memory of the commander Benji Hillman (ז"ל) fallen in combat during the second Lebanon war (2008). The house provides 87 combat soldiers with the status of "lone soldier” a private studio for the duration of their military service.

Resident soldiers enjoy the highest level of comfort, including: the privacy of their own room, three meals a day, a laundry service provided by volunteers, large indoor and outdoor public spaces, etc. In addition to this material support, the House of Benji also offers a warm family environment, community and emotional support - a winning combination that gives the lone soldier a true sense of belonging.

With their physical and emotional needs taken care of, they can focus their energies on being excellent soldiers.

Benji's House continues to support lone soldiers after their release from the IDF, helping them take their first steps in civilian life to integrate into Israeli society as independent and productive citizens. The "orientation center" is an entity that operates within the Benji House and is also open to non-resident soldiers.

Until today, the referral center has helped over 1,500 lone soldiers. Among the soldiers assisted by the Orientation Center, 90% chose to stay in Israel - a percentage much higher than the 25-50% of the general population of lone soldiers who remain after the end of their military service.

The orientation and support process begins 2 months before the end of military service, providing assistance in finding employment, finding and furnishing accommodation, managing personal finances, higher education and scholarships as well as navigating the bureaucracy Israeli (which is not simple). An individual mentor, who "matches" the soldier's profile, will support him in this difficult transition to civilian life.


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The Benji Hillman Foundation (the foundation managing Benji's house) invites you to take part in a unique project in Israel which supports the Zionist approach of many young people who choose to join the ranks of the IDF despite their status as lone combatant soldier.

We believe these young soldiers deserve the support of the diaspora. This support will help to improve the lives of the young men and women who fulfill the Zionist dream of protecting the land we all love so much.

The new house, which will cover 2,500 square meters, will include:

  • Private studio for 93 single soldiers fighting with a total capacity of 87 to 180 soldiers

  • Four floors and a basement.

  • Public spaces - including an entrance hall, a club room, a kosher kitchen, a dining room, a fitness area and a large garden.

  • Three offices for the staff.


The project involves a budget of $ 3.5 million to cover the construction costs of this 2nd house.


It would be a privilege for us to honor your donation by naming one of the rooms or one of the public areas of the new house in your name or in memory of your loved one.

By partnering with us, you will allow lone soldiers to serve and reach their full potential. You can also be sure that this 2nd project will be managed with the highest standards of efficiency and professionalism like the 1st house we are responsible for.

On behalf of all the soldiers and our organization, we thank you in advance for your consideration.

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We have been working in Israel alongside the population and rescuers since the beginning of the war. 

  • We provide assistance to the rescuers by supplying gloves, warm clothing, tents, sleeping bags, boots, first aid kits, hygiene kits, and food.

  • We support the physiotherapist who massage and treat the rescuers.

  • We provide support to the injured and accompany them to rehabilitation centers.

  • We organize meetings for the families of hostages and former hostages.

  • We support displaced or disadvantaged families by recently distributing Purim baskets, gift cards for children, food cards, medications, and relief products.

  • We assist in the reconstruction of devastated kibbutzim.

  • We take care of individuals with post-traumatic syndromes.


  • The search for donations that are fully allocated to elected actions.

  • Exclusively run by volunteers from all walks of life, with no operating expenses.

Dental Care -

Latet Velekabel

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Latet Velekabel is an organization committed to providing free dental care to underprivileged families. They recognize the crucial importance of good oral health.


ACIL - the Jewish Cultural Association of Lille


The Jewish community in Lille took shape during the revolutionary period.


Indeed, the context was favorable following the decision of the Constituent Assembly (end of September 1791) which emancipated Jews and made them equal citizens with the other inhabitants of the kingdom. Jews from Alsace and Lorraine were authorized to settle anywhere in the country.


Throughout the 19th century, until the war with Prussia in 1870-1871, the Jewish population of Lille continued to grow. Various censuses counted between 150 and 250 people on the eve of the war. The Lille community accounted for more than half of all Jews in the Northern region.


At the end of the 19th century, Lille's Jewish community faced up to the events that affected the whole of France: the Dreyfus affair and the inventories of places of worship following the law on the separation of Church and State.


Like all Jewish communities, Lille's was disrupted by the Second World War, marked by arrests, deportation and despoilment. 


In the aftermath of the war, the community was devastated by the disappearance of many members of entire families, as evidenced by the commemorative plaques on the Synagogue's walls.


Added to this are the names of those shot for acts of Resistance. The community rebuilt as quickly as it could, with the return of a few deportees and that of families who had taken refuge in the south of France, but not always spared by deportation. 


Under the impetus of M. Guy Bensoussan, the Association Culturelle Israelite de Lille (ACIL) was created in December 2022. 


The association has a wide range of activities: 


- The organization of conferences featuring prestigious speakers before a very large audience, 

- The publication of a regional community newspaper called “l'Alliance”, featuring editorials by local and national personalities, providing information on all activities organized by the association. 

- Publication of a book entitled “L'invisible de la rue Vaucouleurs: Sarah Halimi, femme juive assassinée”. Under the direction of Guy Bensoussan, the Chief Rabbi of France Haïm Korsia and Michel Gad Wolkowicz, 250 personalities took part, including Pope Francis. 

- A digital educational program for young people aged 10 to 16 is currently being developed. This will give them access to official courses and activities adapted to their levels, providing them with an enriching education in Jewish tradition throughout the country, from their homes to the synagogue. 


ACIL's mission is to maintain the continuity of Jewish culture, perpetuate the memory of the Holocaust, and combat anti-Semitism and all forms of exclusion. It takes part in all commemorative events in the Heights de France region. 


ACIL aims to be open to the world and the city.

meet in galilee



Meet In Galilee organizes the wonderful encounter between Mozart's musical work and the history of the region. 

The raison d'être of Meet in Galilee is to create a space beyond all frontiers of whatever order, to break the preconceptions about the region, to make known Saint Jean d'Acre, land where the different communities know how to live together.


In this spirit, Meet in Galilee organizes every two years a festival of lyrical art coupled with an economic and / or scientific forum.

theatre israelien

Training and staff:

Every week the adolescents take part in workshops on the following domains:

Monologues and character analysis – analysis of different characters, angles and point of views, conflicts, team work and emotional process of characters encounter the participants and their lives. Currently taught by Gal Hurvitz, theater director in France and Israel and the founder of the theater.

Physical theater - clown work, masks, comedia de l’arte, circus and more. The physical training encourages self-confidence, trust, self-humor , body image and more. taught by Ronen Sadis, a professional clown and circus artist

Voice training and singing lessons by Mira Awad, a well-known arab-israeli singer and actress known from promoting peace through art and singing. By singing they discover lyrics and the importance of words in theater and in life.

Improvisation - Improves life skills such as spontaneity , immediate response to different situations, pragmatism ,time pressure and working in collaboration with others without fear. Currently taught by Effim Rinnenberg a well-known director and actor in Jerusalem and

founder of the Martef theater.

Acting workshops with : Maor Zagory, Alma Dishi, Hava Ortman, Agam Rodberg, Yeoshua Sobol and more.

Costume design and make up- costume design for theater from the 16 th century to contemporary theater and make up with Yuval Kaspin and Liron Menkin, both constume designers for Habima national theater as well as others. The adolescents design clothes for the end of the year spectacle as well as for a professional show in corporation with the

Israeli association of choreographers, a collaboration that was established this year.

Play writing- starting from work on monologues and working towards a complete play. At the end of the first year the theater will publish a book featuring the adolescent’s writings and their monologues will be played by the acting group.

Our mission:

Etty Hillesum was a 27 year old woman who lived during the Nazi occupation of Holland. She wrote a diary that was published 40 years after she perished in Auschwitz. At the heart of her diary lies the idea of human compassion and need for art and beauty to withstand the

many obstacles we all face. With the use of her art and writing, Etty HIllsum was able to face the infinite and horrific hardship forced upon her by the Nazis. With the use of dialog, compassion to others, faith in the goodness at heart and the greatness of the human spirit precisely at the terrible times of war she was able to change her world and ease the suffering of others.

We decided to shape this center in Etty Hillesum's spirit, to make it into a theater and a melting pot for Israeli society, which will be based on dialog, understanding, beauty and art.

We want to serve as a jumping point and melting pot to at risk youth from a variety of sectors in Israel society. The theater offers an opportunity to create, aspire, set positive and reachable goals and experiment in the different fields of theater.

What we stand for:

Theater as a force of social change: 345,000 at risk youth live in Israel today. Our project allows underprivileged, at risk youth, to benefit from being at center stage, heard, seen and implemented in normative life. The theater provides tools needed for these at risk youth: place for self-expression, enhancement of self-esteem and sense of capability, team work, social integration, understanding of the other, mutual dialogue, confrontation with conflicts and desires and much more.

Art as a working tool: allows the teenager to express feelings and thoughts with no sense of threat, fear or shame, as for in the center of the dramatic event lays conflict, dialogue and strong emotions. At the theater, the youth is exposed to a variety of characters and views, and are learning to evolve original ways of thinking. Our theater allows its participants to

express themselves, listen and see the other and consequently improve their communication skills, concentration, empathy and social awareness.

Theater as a social integrator: The Theater helps at risk youth to discover a new and exciting world, to develop fields of interest and positive occupation during the afternoon hours and also a profession for life. Theater work nurtures necessary life skills such as: safe group environment which is often deprived of them, linguistic skills through dramatic texts, psychological analysis of characters and dialogues, body image issues through costume designs, dealing with conflicts and more.

Population and location:

The theatre resides in Jaffa Daled in the Ennis theater. The neighborhood is a fertile ground with a variety of populations which are fascinating to work with and allow a unique and rich theater practice. The theater's target audience is multi-cultural and from all parts the Israeli society with emphasis on local Jaffa residents, Jews, Arabs, new immigrants from Russia and Ethiopia. The theater operates in corporation and activates and initiates activities within the local community in which it resides.


The theater offers a three year intensive training in a variety of theater professions to 75 adolescents at risk from all parts of society. The theater operates 5 times a week.

We initiated our activity in November 2014 with 25 young participants from various backgrounds: Jews, Arabs, immigrants etc’.

The participants are 14-18 years old and mostly come from dysfunctional surroundings facing problems such as: prostitution, violence, drug abuse, neglect and more .

Supporters and collaborations:

The Ennis auditorium is provided in kind by the municipality of Tel-Aviv

Amongst our supporters: Municipality of Tel-Aviv, FSJU in Paris, Yahel foundation and Arkin foundation

Beit Lessin theater- workshops and lectures by actors and directors, free tickets to shows for the adolescents. We are currently forming an internship program in which the youth become the apprentices of Beit Lessin’s costume designers.

Gesher theater- We are currently working on a collaboration with the theater in order for the youth to perform there. The theater is also providing the youth with workshops and lectures by actors and directors, free tickets to shows for the adolescents.

Hasimta theater- The youth’s play is running at this theater once a month.

The Israeli association of choreographers- our adolescents will design clothes for one of their shows and participate as actors in one of their choreographers theater-dance shows.

Inbal Pinto dance company- Our adolescents go see their shows and participate in master classes with Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Polak, two of the most important choreographers working in Israel.


The social values ​​of the theater

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The Etty Hillesum Israeli Youth Theatre

The Etty Hillesum Israeli Youth Theatre is a unique and unprecedented project. The theatre which resides in Jaffa Daled, a disprivileged neighborhood of Jaffa r, offers intensive training in a variety of theater professions to youth at risk from all parts of society: Jews, Arabs, Immigrants who are operating the theater together. Training is provided by leading theater professionals from Israel . At the end of each year the students produce 4 theater show which are entirely created by them, from the play script to the costume designs. Last years

play, Romeo and Julia in a Commedia dell’arte version, was made entirely by the youth and is still played in various professional theatres in Israel.

The project is providing these marginalized youth with a stage to be seen and heard and to integrate into normative society using the tools they've acquired

The Project

Our theater is offering a solution for youth at risk, coming from especially difficult

backgrounds and environment in accordance with each individual's abilities. Social values are embodied in the arts of theater and allow those adolescents at risk to collaborate, meet the best talents in the field and find passion, interest and commitment in their afternoon hours. In the Etty Hillesum Youth Theater, each boy or girl are able to experience all aspects

of theater and professionalize in whichever field their heart desires. It’s the adolescents at risk themselves who build, write, act, choose music and take part in every aspect of the production with the assistance of the best teachers who worked with them throughout the year.



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Keren Hayesod launched the TEN program, which brings together young people from all over the world around a humanitarian project. Together, these young volunteers are trained and mentored to meet local needs in the areas of education and empowerment, health, agriculture and entrepreneurship. These young people come together for an intensive period of volunteering around a humanitarian project. A large-scale general interest project in favor of populations in need and sustainable development that allows them to surpass themselves individually and as a community. The “TEN” project thus fosters an active network of socio-civic leadership that identifies needs, possibilities and issues that can be addressed through social change initiatives.

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Ogen is a not-for-profit social-finance group working to increase financial inclusion and opportunity in Israel through the provision of credit and financial mentoring to low and middle-income Israelis, small businesses and not-for-profit organizations.


Ogen provides affordable, accessible loans, both interest-free and low-interest, to borrowers ill-served by commercial lenders. In parallel, Ogen provides supplemental coaching and mentoring, ensuring that the communities Ogen supports have access not just to credit, but to the financial tools literacy to grow and prosper.


Ogen was first established as the Israel Free Loan Association (IFLA) in 1990, and over the past three decades has made approximately 70,000 loans, lending a total of ILS 1.35 billion. Ogen’s ability to successfully underwrite and manage loans to borrowers otherwise considered high-risk has resulted in a cumulative default rate of just 0.7%. 

Urgence Ukraine

Ukraine Emergency
Keren Hayesod

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Your IFI helps save lives at risk and help Ukrainian people integrate into Israel

The Russo-Ukrainian War is a conflict between Russia and Ukraine that began in February 2014. At the height of the fighting in 2014, Russia annexed Crimea, a region of Ukraine with a large ethnic Russian population . Other regions with ethnic Russian populations, such as Donetsk and Luhansk, were left under the control of separatist forces with Russian support.


After months of diplomatic tension, the situation has deteriorated considerably. The Jews of Ukraine need our immediate help.

At dawn on February 24, 2022, Russia launched a military offensive in Ukraine. The world is deeply worried.  The work of Keren Hayesod and the Jewish Agency in Ukraine so far has had several facets:

Aliyah  – we help anyone eligible for Aliyah to come to Israel. After opening their file, we offer them pre-Alyah training and in some cases, vocational training.

Educational initiatives  – in partnership with local organizations, schools and non-profit organizations, we provide educational content related to Jewish and Israeli identity.

emergency management  – in close collaboration with local institutions, local governments and the State of Israel, we anticipate and react to security situations that could threaten the Jewish community.

Community resilience  – while we facilitate Aliyah for those who want or need to leave, we maintain a presence on the ground to ensure that the Jewish community remains strong, connected to Israel and the Jewish people.


We estimate that 200,000 people are eligible for Aliyah in Ukraine. Many of them benefit from the services of the Jewish Agency, particularly in the areas of pre-Alyah assistance, Jewish education and informal activities. In 2021, 3,000 Ukrainian Jews have made Aliyah, we expect very strong growth in Aliyah from Ukraine in 2022.


29 Jewish Agency delegates live in Ukraine, along with 65 family members. In addition, the Jewish Agency employs 90 people locally. At present, the majority of the delegates working in the educational field and their families have been evacuated to Israel. Our senior delegates remain on the ground to manage Aliyah's operations and care for the community.

Although our offices are centralized in Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov and Dnipro, the Jewish Agency is present throughout Ukraine.

Currently, we manage different levels of responsibility:

  1. We ensure the well-being of our delegates, their families and our local employees

  2. We are speeding up procedures for Aliyah applicants. We are expecting a huge number of requests and we are preparing for the scenarios of authorizing and implementing a large Aliyah very quickly.

  3. We are concerned about new immigrants from Ukraine who are participating in our programs currently in Israel. 1,500 young olim participate in special Aliyah programs in Israel. All are worried about their family members who remained in Ukraine.

  4. Working with the Israeli government, we stand ready to assist all Israeli nationals currently in Ukraine to return safely to Israel.


We must carry out the following emergency interventions:

  1. The Israeli Embassy, like many other embassies, has temporarily moved its operations to Lviv in western Ukraine. With the attacks on Kiev and the closure of airspace, Israeli nationals and olim must be transported out of the country by land. Lviv serves as the base for our Aliyah activities.

  2. Future olim must be temporarily housed in transit centers. Our experience of the 2014 crisis has taught us that thousands of Aliyah candidates will need temporary shelter after fleeing their homes, while the appropriate measures are implemented to organize their journey to Israel. We must ensure their safety in transit centers and provide for their basic needs.

  3. We have already opened an emergency hotline so that Ukrainian Jews can communicate with us and our delegates at all times. The line has been bombarded with requests and in this confusing situation, we must provide clear and precise information, especially on Aliyah. A technically advanced response center staffed 24 hours a day is essential.

  4. We have equipped our staff and the local community with satellite communication devices. It is essential that all our teams, delegates and local staff have the ability to communicate with each other, with the headquarters in Jerusalem, with members of the community and with the security services. We thus have a back-up plan to exchange outside the communication networks.

  5. Our Annual Conference of Russian-Speaking Camp Counselors has just ended. We need to provide emergency accommodation for the 90 conference participants and staff who are unable to travel to their homes in Ukraine and Russia.

We must also strengthen the security services we provide in Ukraine, local community organizations are requesting our emergency financial assistance in this area in order to protect their centers from attacks and looting and allow the continuity of their operation. We are preparing to provide them with subsidies to strengthen their security.


We anticipate the potential need for flights for emergency Aliyah. Last year, 3,000 olim made Aliyah from Ukraine, today we are expecting 10,000 new immigrants.

As Ukrainian airspace is closed, we will need to arrange transfers out of Ukraine by land via neighboring countries. These operations will incur additional transport, accommodation and security costs.

It will be necessary to provide funding for the reception, accommodation in integration centers and the immediate needs of new immigrants and to prepare for their successful integration in Israel. We estimate that among the olim, 2000 people will need significant financial assistance and strong psychological support. An average of three months of accommodation and care in one of our integration centers is planned.

The Jewish Agency and Keren Hayesod -UIA are ready to implement all the above priority measures. We are deeply grateful to our partners and donors who enable us to execute relief operations around the world.

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Tzedek - Help for Children


Parce que les enfants d’Israël sont notre avenir

Créée par le Rabbin Paul Roitman, zal, TSEDEK vient en aide, depuis plus de 30 ans, à plus de 3000 enfants et adolescents en Israël, vivant dans des quartiers défavorisés ou dans des villages d’enfants qui ont été retirés à leur famille en raison de problèmes tels que drogue, alcool, violences, abus divers, emprisonnement ou encore difficultés économiques sévères.

Tsedek, c’est : 

  • Une aide matérielle et psychologique aux enfants de familles défavorisées

  • Un mouvement apolitique et ouvert à tous sans distinction

  • Une structure administrative limitée permettant de réduire les coûts et de consacrer la presque totalité du budget aux actions en faveur des enfants

  • 17 sections locales reparties dans tout le pays

Notre mission :

  • Réduire les inégalités de réussite scolaire, favoriser l’accès aux études supérieures à ceux qui en ont le potentiel

  • Eviter l’oisiveté à l’origine de comportements déviants

  • Améliorer la confiance en soi

  • Aider les jeunes à devenir des adultes responsables, prêts à aider les autres et de s’intégrer dans la société israélienne

Nos actions : 

  • Activités éducatives & récréatives
    Dans les sections locales réparties dans tout le Pays, après l’école et pendant les vacances scolaires : repas chauds, organisation d’ateliers - artistiques, culturels, musicaux, travaux manuels, sports, jeux de groupe, théâtre - excursions et colonies de vacances...

  • Soutien scolaire
    Aide aux devoirs et cours dispensés par des enseignants professionnels,
    Préparation aux épreuves du baccalauréat,
    Octroi de bourses d’études

  • Séminaires de formation
    Sessions régulières où les futurs moniteurs bénévoles se forment aux différentes techniques éducatives

  • Actions sociales :
    Auprès des malades, des personnes âgées, des soldats, préparation et célébration de Bat-Bar Mitsvot.
    Les actions sont réalisées par les enfants eux-mêmes pour leur apprendre la notion de générosité.

  • Intégration des nouveaux immigrants
    Aide à l’intégration des nouveaux immigrants en particulier d’Ethiopie en organisant des cours de soutien scolaire, des excursions pour découvrir le pays et de ateliers parents-enfants

Nos projets:

  • Ateliers pédagogiques de réalité virtuelle

  • Ateliers de formation professionnelle (informatique/électronique)

  • Création d’un groupe musical incluant des enfants handicapés.

Nous contacter :

​Tel: / +972 54-4581833


Site internet: 

Sur Facebook : Tsedek Israel




Elnet est une organisation européenne qui favorise une meilleure connaissance d'Israël en France et en Europe.  

Elnet organise différents programmes et actions qui renforcent la relation et le dialogue avec les instances politiques ou la société civile française, européenne et israélienne.  

Voici le programme phare d'Elnet : Les Ambassadeurs de la Paix.


Au mois de juin prochain, 40 jeunes musulmans français et belges se rendront en Israël, à l’initiative de l‘Imam Hassen Chalghoumi, Président de l'association culturelle des musulmans de Drancy.

L'objectif est de montrer aux participants, originaires de villes sensibles comme Moleenbeek, bastion de l’islamisme, la réalité de la démocratie israélienne.

Pendant une semaine, les participants découvriront la diversité sociale du pays ainsi que les problématiques sécuritaires auxquelles il est confronté. Ils établiront un dialogue franc et constructif avec les représentants de la société civile mais aussi avec les mondes religieux et politiques.

Le précédent voyage, qui avait eu lieu en juillet 2019, a eu un impact extrêmement positif. A leur retour en France et en Belgique, les jeunes sont devenus de véritables ambassadeurs de la paix et du dialogue, et continuent d'œuvrer au rapprochement des musulmans et des juifs.

observatoire juif de france

Jewish Observatory of France

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The Jewish Observatory of France was created in 1997  by Henri Bensahel who was professor emeritus of orthopedic surgery for children and adolescents, of international renown.


This association, an Observatory intended to identify anti-Semitic acts, to point out nauseating ideas about Israel and make them known to a world of indifference. which was sort of a newsletter before the letter.

He surrounded himself with active militants, who are always by our side.


Ten years after his death, Henri Bensahel's fight, his project and his memory are still alive.

A team of young activists who refuse to let anti-Semitism and its fake nose that is anti-Zionism plague the values ​​of the Republic joined us.

Thanks to their mastery in certain fields, IT or communication, we have set up a monitoring group on the net.

It is to their credit and it reflects the spirit and the strength of a commitment.

He also surrounded himself with Jurists, lawyers, experts in Criminal Law, specialized in the fight against anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.

Many "lawsuits won" to our credit, such as those against Dieudonné, Alain Soral, Hervé Ryssen, Jérôme Bourbon, Jean Marie Le Pen, the BDS entity... The list is already long.

We accompany the victims throughout the procedure, and bear all the costs.

We do not receive any subsidies.



Fondée en 1970, l'AFAUTA (L’association française de l’Université de Tel-Aviv) est une association à but non lucratif. Sa mission principale est 'action en faveur d'une prestigieuse université israélienne, l'Université de Tel-Aviv, qu'elle assiste dans ses plans de développement à long terme.
Elle travaille aussi au renforcement des relations
entre l'Université et l'ensemble de la communauté

L'association est fière des réalisations de ses chercheurs et de ses étudiants. Depuis sa création,

l'Association française a réussi à lever des fonds substantiels pour la recherche, l'éducation et
l'infrastructure physique dans les domaines les plus
divers : des sciences humaines à la médecine, des
nanotechnologies aux sciences sociales, des
sciences exactes aux lettres et aux arts. Les amis
français offrent des bourses d'excellence aussi

bien qu'une aide financière aux étudiants nécessiteux. L'association a réussi à mieux faire connaître

l'Université de Tel-Aviv en France par le biais de

programmes d'échanges avec les principales institutions d'enseignement supérieur françaises,

comme le Collège de France, Sciences Po, la Sorbonne Paris IV et le CNRS.

L'association est fière des réalisations de ses chercheurs et de ses étudiants. Depuis sa création,

l'Association française a réussi à lever des fonds substantiels pour la recherche, l'éducation et l'infrastructure physique dans les domaines les plus
divers : des sciences humaines à la médecine, des
nanotechnologies aux sciences sociales, des
sciences exactes aux lettres et aux arts. Les amis
français offrent des bourses d'excellence aussi

bien qu'une aide financière aux étudiants nécessiteux. L'association a réussi à mieux faire connaître

l'Université de Tel-Aviv en France par le biais de

programmes d'échanges avec les principales institutions d'enseignement supérieur françaises,

comme le Collège de France, Sciences Po, la Sorbonne Paris IV et le CNRS.




• Elle est la plus grande et la plus diversifiée des universités de recherche
• Elle est classée dans les 200 meilleures universités du monde par le
Times Higher Education,
• 1ère en Israël pour l'excellence dans la recherche (Classement de Taïwan).
• Elle est à la 7e place mondiale pour la production d'entrepreneurs dans le
classement Pitchbook
• 1ère en dehors des Etats-Unis pour la production de licornes (startups valorisées à un million de dollars ou plus).

• L’ Ecole de Gestion est classée parmi les 100 meilleures du monde en
2023 par le magazine CEOWORLD.

Au centre de la vie économique, technologique et culturelle du pays, elle affirme sa position d'université internationale de premier plan, première en Israël.

L’Université de Tel-Aviv c’est 9 facultés :
• Sciences de la vie
• Médecine et Sciences de la santé
• Sciences exactes, Lettres et sciences humaines, Ingénierie
• Droit, Sciences sociales, Arts, et Gestion
L’Université de Tel-Aviv c’est 125 départements et 140 instituts de recherche.


C'est une université internationale, tant au niveau de la coopération de ses chercheurs avec les universités du monde entier que pour les échanges d'étudiants.

Plus de 2 000 étudiants étrangers fréquentent chaque année son Ecole Internationale.

Université interdisciplinaire abritant des centres innovants:
le Centre d'Intelligence artificielle et de sciences des données, le Centre

d'études sur les pandémies, l'initiative pour faire face au changement climatique PLANNET ZERO et les laboratoires d'innovation TiLABS, Centre de nanotechnologie et de nanomédecine, un Centre de neurosciences, un Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement et un Centre de recherche de nouveaux médicaments.

7 Octobre : En raison des récents évènements qui ont frappé Israël, l'Université de Tel-Aviv a avancé l'ouverture de son centre de traitement du Trouble de Stress Post-traumatique et mis en place un dispensaire national d'urgence de traumatologie et résilience regroupant les meilleurs spécialistes du pays.

6 000 de ses étudiants ont été mobilisés dans la réserve depuis le 7 octobre, dont un tiers de femmes. Près de 20 étudiants ont été tués, et plus de 60 familles de l'Université ont perdu un parent au premier degré. Les étudiants et le personnel de l'Université ont fait du volontariat dans l'agriculture et les usines de l'Enveloppe de Gaza, et les étudiants de sa Faculté de droit ont fourni une aide juridique aux habitants évacués.

L'Université a ouvert son campus aux réfugiés du nord et du sud du pays et accueilli plus de 600 élèves de la ville de Kiryiat Shmona évacuée. Par ailleurs l'Université fait des efforts intensifs pour aider ses étudiants réservistes à compléter leur année universitaire, ce qu'elle considère comme une mission nationale.

La plus grande structure de recherche médicale d'Israël
Avec 1400 praticiens et 17 hôpitaux affiliés, desservant plus de deux millions de personnes. Cette année encore, elle a réalisé d'importantes percées dans la recherche, notamment sur le Syndrome de Williams, le traitement du cancer du sein, du cancer du cerveau, l'ablation des tumeurs cancéreuses et la prévention des métastases du cancer de la peau.

Réseau de partenariats académiques

Aux Etats-Unis, en Europe et en Asie, allant du CNRS, à la NASA et Harvard, du CERN, à Sciences Po Paris et la Sorbonne, jusqu'à l’Orchestre de chambre de Paris. Elle mène des programmes internationaux en coopération avec des institutions universitaires de premier plan dans le monde, comme Berkeley, l'Ecole de Gestion Kellogg, l'INSEAD ou l'Université de Pékin en Chine. Ces dernières années, elle a

lancé un programme conjoint de licence avec l'Université Columbia à New York, combinant des études en sciences humaines et sociales, en sciences de la vie et en entrepreneuriat. Elle propose également un MBA entièrement en ligne pour les étudiants du monde entier.


L’Université et la France

L'Université de Tel-Aviv a une trentaine d'accords actifs avec des universités françaises. Au cours des cinq dernières années près de 300 étudiants français sont venus y étudier. Par ailleurs, au cours des dix dernières années, plus de 2500 publications conjointes ont été réalisées entre des chercheurs de l'Université de Tel-Aviv et des universités françaises, soit environ 200 à 250 par an, ce qui place la France dans les quatre premiers pays à cet égard.

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"Diploact" is a training program for Israeli students in public diplomacy, argumentation and sensitive issues concerning Israel, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Middle East. As part of the program, delegations made up of trained Israeli students travel to foreign campuses to meet students and discuss these various topics. The main objectives of the delegation are to present the situation in Israel from an Israeli point of view and to reduce prejudices and amalgams around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, through exchanges and discussions between students.

The French branch, "Diploact France", was created taking into account the importance of France on the international scene, the importance of the French Jewish community, its link with Israel and the current rise of anti-Semitism. As part of the program, a first delegation was sent to France in order to dialogue and exchange different ideas with the students and also to meet Jewish students in order to provide them with tools and information about Israel. Our objectives are to perpetuate our delegations, our activities on social networks and to strengthen our contacts with French Jewish organizations.



When it was founded in 1948 by Dr. Benjamin Ginsbourg, surrounded by Elie Azérad, Daniel Wal, and a few other pioneers, the AMIF (Association of Jewish Doctors of France) aimed, from its inception, to be apolitical. Among its objectives were combating anti-Semitism, particularly within the medical field, through all means, both judicial and extra-judicial, and assisting physicians who were victims of Nazi persecutions in reclaiming their practices seized during the Occupation.

75 years later, faithful to its DNA, the AMIF continues its mission by fostering friendships among all Jewish doctors in France, facilitating top-notch medical and scientific exchanges between France and Israel, organizing events and medical conferences (Costa Rica, Czech Republic, etc.), and preserving the duty of Memory (Annual trip to Auschwitz, Yom Ha'Shoah Ceremony, etc.).

Tirat Tsvi


Emergency campaign

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Emergency campaign

moshav ein iron


Libi France ensures a continuous presence in the bases and is present with the injured in hospitals.
They are there for us, let's be there for them.
On the front lines, on the front lines, they ensure the security of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.


In these difficult times, MORE THAN EVER! Let's support our dear and valiant Hayalim
who wage fierce battles at the risk of their young lives.

Libi France is launching an exceptional appeal. For more than 40 years, LIBI FRANCE has been supporting education and vocational training programs for disadvantaged young people,

Libi France provides free food aid or medical care to people in difficulty or to facilitate their housing,
MORE THAN EVER, they need our support. Let's stand by them.

100% of your donation is donated directly to our soldiers. Libi France has no overhead costs.

To support LIBI FRANCE:

Gladys Tibi
President of Libi France



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Emergency humanitarian food aid campaign

campagne aide alimentair
Little steps


Little Steps Association for Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) / Becker Muscular Dystrophy (BMD) aims to improve the lives of patients and their families in Israel. 

Dealing with Duchenne-Beker disease requires a great deal of strength from families. We are here to assist and accompany them through the various challenges, they face with multiple authorities, in receiving treatments, providing knowledge, and receiving medication.

Tenoua - Le Lab

Lab Tenoua

Lab Tenoua is an online Jewish media founded in 2021 in Paris.

We publish exclusive articles, interviews, videos and podcasts which reflect the liveliness of our Judaism focused on dialogue and modernity.
Lab Tenoua enjoys going against conventions and shattering preconceived notions.
We run our content for free so that it can reach the largest audience. It is available on our website,

We also run a newsletter focused on the news.

You can find us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, X).
Our contributors are mainly French but we also publish articles and photos by American and Israeli authors.
Lab Tenoua promotes the work of young artists represented by the best galleries in Israel.
We are also strongly involved in keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive.

Lab Tenou’a has a partnership with the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah and the Yad Vashem Institute.
As we are faced with a rising tide of radicalization and religious violence in Europe and in the US, Lab Tenou'a must be/create a space for reflection and dialogue taking inspiration from our tradition.
Thanks to your support, Lab Tenou’a will keep contributing to an intellectually vibrant Judaism. And remain a unique voice in France and overseas.

les écoles partenaires


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