Young Economist Award 2019
The France Israel Foundation organizes two prizes for young economists, awarded every year, to honor a French and an Israeli young economist whose work has gained international distinction.
Conditions of eligibility:
40 years for a French economist
45 years for an Israeli economist (because of the length of military service)
The two prizes are awarded once a year and are granted for a very high quality research in any economic domain.
The jury is composed of 6 members designated by the FIF
3 Israeli and 3 French members
Professor Philippe Aghion, Harvard and chair of the department of economy at College de France
Professor Elhanan Helpman, president of the jury, Harvard
Professor Helene Rey, London Scholol of economics
Professor Nathan Sussman, Hebrew University
Professor Manuel Trajtenberg Tel Aviv University
Professor Jean Tirole, Nobel Prize, Toulouse school of economics.
Prizes worth 40000 euros each will be awarded either in France or in Israel according to the decision of the FFI.
The candidates will be nominated by institutions or individual researchers.) (cf bylaws)
Records must include:
a letter of sponsorship signed by the person or institution that recommends it
a one-page statement explaining how this candidate deserves this award
a list of the 3 major publications of the candidate
the curriculum vitae of the candidate
the name of the candidate and his institutional affiliation