Symposium d'Agronomie
"Les pistes innovantes dans le domaine de l'irrigation"
Journée 1: 27 novembre 2019

7 experts israéliens et 7 experts français aborderont des questions d’intérêts communs des problématiques de l'eau.
3 tables rondes sur :
Les nouvelles pistes en irrigation
L’optimisation de l’irrigation
L’irrigation de précision
8:30-9:00 am: Registration/gathering
09:00-09:30 am: Opening Addresses Chair: Dr. M. Haim President France Israel Foundation
Mr. xxxx, Presidency of the Hauts de France region
Mr. L Maurer, Ministry of Agriculture, France
Mr. D. Saada, Minister Plenipotentiary Embassy of Israel
Mr. Frederic Puigserver, Director of the legal department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food
09:30-10:00am: Agricultural research in Israel – General overview
Dr. Shmuel Assouline, Associate Director for International Relations - A.R.O.-Volcani Center, Israel
Introduction de "Buinessfrance Tel Aviv" sur l'agriculture israélienne
10:00-10:30: Hauts de France: Agriculture & Water
Mr. Olivier Dauger, Président de la Chambre d’Agriculture des Hauts de France
10:30-11:00: BREAK and DISCUSSIONS
11:00-12:30: Session 1: New Insights in Irrigation Design – Chair: Prof. B. Vandoorne ISA Lille/Yncréa
11:00-11:20 Dr. Shmulik Friedman, Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, A.R.O.-Volcani Center, Israel
New concepts in agronomic irrigation design and scheduling
11:20-11:40 Mme Aïcha Ronceux, Agro-Transfert R&T
Potatoe’s response to water stress and issues on water management in Hauts-de-France
11:40-12:00 Dr. Nurit Agam, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Below canopy radiation divergence in a vineyard: implications on interrow surface energy balance and soil evaporation
12:00-12:20 Dr. Pierre Renault – INRA, UMR 1114 EMMAH Avignon, France
Health risks resulting from the use in irrigation of water contaminated by viruses, impact of irrigation modes.
12:20-12:30 Questions
12:30-14:00: Lunch and Discussions
14:00-15:30: Session 2: Optimization of IRRIGATION – chair: Dr. Isabelle Cousin, INRA (TBC)
14:00-14:20 Dr. Tamir Kamai, Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, A.R.O.-Volcani Center, Israel
Combining between atmospheric demand- and sensor-based irrigation
14:20-14:40 Dr. Bruno Cheviron – Irstea, UMR G-EAU Montpellier, France
Presentation of different types of irrigation, modeling and optimization perspectives in a context of climate change
-- voir la présentation
14:40-15:00 Dr. Raphael Linker, Technion – Institute of Technology, Israel
Use of crop-soil-atmosphere dynamic models for (sub-) optimal irrigation management
15:00-15:20 Mme Sophie Gendre ARVALIS - Institut du végétal
Irré-LIS®, a decision support tool for irrigation
15:20-15:40 Mr. Serge Escuraing CoHRIZE
Combination of capacitance probes, specific sensors and soil mapping to optimize irrigation and nutrition
15:40-15:50 Questions
15:50 -16:20: Break and discussions
16:20-17:50: Session 3: Precision Irrigation – Chair: Dr. Nurit Agam Ben Gourion University
16:20-16:40 Dr. Yafit Cohen, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, A.R.O.- Volcani Center, Israel
Methodologies to facilitate large-scale adoption of thermal based images as key input in the production of irrigation prescription maps
16:40-17:00 Dr. Isabelle Cousin, INRA – Orleans, France
The capacity of the soil to store and return water as a basic parameter for decision support tools in irrigation
17:00-17:20 Dr. Offer Rozenstein, Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, A.R.O. - Volcani Center, Israel
Developing Models to Estimate Crop Water Consumption based on remote sensing and meteorological data
-- voir la présentation
17:20-17:40 Prof. Bertrand Vandoorne ISA Lille / Yncréa, France
Use of capacitive probes and sap flow measurements to evaluate the water use efficiency of a tomato crop (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
17:40-17:50 Questions
17:50-18:00: Closing Remarks