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The Travel of French Students to Israel - 2022

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After the break imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, student travel is resuming!  


The France Israel Foundation will invest more in intensifying the travel of students from the "grandes écoles" and universities in order to bring together French and Israeli decision-makers of tomorrow and create bridges to promote economic, scientific and cultural exchange.

The France Israel Foundation will work with student associations and / or universities / colleges to participate in the construction of the programs and thus facilitate contacts with Israeli companies, universities, stakeholders, speakers. The Foundation will organize a student tracking system with students

Some pictures of the Polytechnique student trip: 

Forty-two students participated in the trip which took place from February 20 to 27, 2022

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Meeting with French Ambassador to Israel Eric Danon

the trip represented a "valuable and enriching experience. The lectures were instructive and the landscapes magnificent"

Diana-Elizabeth Jimenez Bejarano

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Day at Yad Vashem Memorial

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Meeting with Emmanuel Navon


“ David Smadja’s conference was my favorite as the field of medical applications is a domain I am particularly interested in. It was very interesting to me to see how a very academic subject can actually be turned into a start-up ”

Tudor-Gabriel Mocioi

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Meeting with Prof. David Harari

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Meeting with Pr Jean Jacques Rein

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Meeting with Roxane Fischer

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Last lunch in Tel Aviv

" I particularly enjoyed the visits to i24News and Magen David Adom [Israel's National Emergency Pre-Hospital Medical and Blood Services Organization] as they allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of these institutions, the technology they use, and the intrinsic purpose they work for." 

Diana-Elizabeth Jimenez Bejarano


“ Out of all the great conferences we attended during this Tech Trip, Prof. Rein’s presentation of ‘A heart for peace’ impressed me the most. I am amazed by the doctor’s work and commitment ”

Emeric Jammes

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Caesarea tour

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Haifa and Bahais Gardens Tour

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Some photos of the EHDEC student trip: 
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Some pictures of the student trip from the Centrale Supelec et Mines ENSAE group: 
Mur des lamentations.jpeg
Yad Vashem.jpeg
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Hackathon 1.jpeg
Dead Sea.jpeg
A photo of the ESTP group student trip: 
Some pictures of the student trip of  the EM Lyon and Dauphine group  : 
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