Young Economist Award - 2021
The France Israel Foundation organizes two prizes for young economists, awarded every year, to honor a French and an Israeli young economist whose work has gained international distinction.

Conditions of eligibility:
40 years for a French economist on December 31, 2019
45 years for an Israeli economist (because of the length of military service) on December 31, 2019
The two prizes are awarded once a year and are granted for a very high quality research in any economic domain.
The jury is composed of 6 members designated by the FIF
3 Israeli and 3 French members
Professor Philippe Aghion, Harvard and chair of the department of economy at College de France
Professor Elhanan Helpman, president of the jury, Harvard
Professor Helene Rey, London Scholol of economics
Professor Nathan Sussman, Hebrew University
Professor Manuel Trajtenberg Tel Aviv University
Professor Jean Tirole, Nobel Prize, Toulouse school of economics.
Prizes worth 40000 euros each will be awarded either in France or in Israel according to the decision of the FFI.
The candidates will be nominated by institutions or individual researchers.) (cf bylaws)
The dossiers are to be sent before February 1st, 2020 to
Records must include:
a letter of sponsorship signed by the person or institution that recommends it
a one-page statement explaining how this candidate deserves this award
a list of the 3 major publications of the candidate
the curriculum vitae of the candidate
the name of the candidate and his institutional affiliation
Isabelle Méjean, Professor in the Department of Economics (CREST)[1] at École Polytechnique and President of the Department of Economics at Institut Polytechnique de Paris, and Alon Eizenberg, Senior Lecturer in the Bogen Family Department of Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, are named winners of the prestigious 2020 Young Economist Award by the France Israel Foundation.
The France Israel Foundation awards Isabelle Méjean and Alon Eizenberg the 2020 Young Economist Award. The Foundation organizes two prizes for young economists, awarded every year, to honor a French and an Israeli young economist whose work has received international distinction. The winners will receive their prize this year, however, due to the current international health crisis, the award ceremony for the 2020 winners has been postponed to a later date in 2021.
[1] Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST – A joint research lab between École Polytechnique/ENSAE Paris/ Institut Polytechnique de Paris/CNRS/GENES)
Isabelle Méjean – French Winner of the 2020 Young Economist Award

Professor and researcher in the Department of Economics (CREST) at École Polytechnique and President of the Department of Economics at Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Isabelle Méjean’s internationally-renowned research focuses on the effects of trade globalization, including the structure of international value chains.
Isabelle Méjean’s work has received international distinction on many occasions: the Malinvaud Award that she received in July 2016, a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant in 2017 for her research on international economy as well as the prestigious 2020 Best Young Economist Award from the French journal Le Monde and the Cercle des Economistes for her work on the effects of trade globalization and the extension of value chains.
Isabelle Méjean developed an original research program with an important empirical dimension. In her research, she uses administrative data to document various dimensions of heterogeneity across firms, notably in their participation to international markets, and study the macroeconomic consequences of this heterogeneity. Her recent research focuses on the participation of firms to global value chains, which contributes to diffusing microeconomic and macroeconomic shocks across national economies.
Following a thesis in International Macroeconomics at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Isabelle Méjean started at École Polytechnique in 2007 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics. After six years at École Polytechnique and one year in the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Isabelle Méjean received tenure in 2014.
Alon Eizenberg – Israeli Winner of the 2020 Young Economist Award

Alon Eizenberg is an economist in the Bogen Family Department of Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research seeks to understand mechanisms that govern modern markets. Alon Eizenberg specializes in the empirical study of consumer preferences and their implications for firms’ incentives. In particular, he studied the impact of innovation in personal computing on different consumer types, and the consequences for market competition of the rise of the middle class, a fundamental socioeconomic shift observed in many emerging economics.
Alon Eizenberg’s research articles were published in journals including the Review of Economic Studies, the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, and the RAND Journal of Economics. In January 2017, he was ranked fifth in the IDEAS/RePEc list of Top 100 Young Economists (taken from a pool of 5,832 economists whose first publication of any kind is of 5 or fewer years).
Alon Eizenberg earned his Ph.D in Economics from Yale University in 2009. He has advised the Israel Antitrust Authority and currently advises the Bank of Israel on competition issues. In 2011, he co-founded the annual workshop “Industrial Organization, Regulation and Competition Policy in Israel”, and has been co-organizing it since. He served as a Lecturer in the Department of Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as of 2010 and was promoted to Senior Lecturer (with tenure) in 2016.