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Jacques and Monique Roos Information Prize
of the France Israel Foundation

The France Israel Foundation aims to be both a crucible and a catalyst for the strengthening and deepening of ties between the Israeli and French peoples, in all segments of the respective civil societies. An intergovernmental organization recognized as being of public utility, the France-Israel Foundation is made up of French and Israeli representatives at the political, economic, social and cultural levels.

This is why in 2019 the France Israel Foundation (FFI) is creating the   prizes for information to promote knowledge of Israeli society by French society.


  • A written press prize: rewarding an article on Israel published in the national written/and or electronic press between January 1, 2020 and September 1, 2022.

  • A documentary prize:rewarding a documentary on Israel broadcast on a national television channel between January 1, 2021 and September 1, 2022.



The prizes worth 10,000 euros will be awarded at a ceremony in Israel.

The award criteria are  :

  • The seriousness and objectivity of the investigation

  • Editorial qualities

  • Journalistic quality

  • Originality of the subject and the angles treated

The jury is made up of 5 members with Mr. Franz-Olivier Giesbert (as president), Mrs. Maryse Burgot, Mr. Christophe Barbier, Mr. George Malbrunot and Mr. Meir Masri.​

Files should include: 

  • The article and the journal with the date it was published or the site link

should be sent to:


The date of reception of the files is October 15th, 2022

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